Sunday, July 24

Gifts 645-670

Baby, sitting at my feet
Reading stories right after nap time
Watching Daughter grow up a little bit...putting away ALL her own laundry!
Catching up on mending
An empty hamper
My favorite song coming on the radio
Imagining the words
Feeling the earth shake
explaining heaven to Daughter and Son
Assuring them their blankies will be there ;)
praying for Hubby
baby powder getting sand off tiny toes!
days at the beach
guest posting for a friend :)
Broken hearts for Jesus to heal
Yard sales
sorting socks
vitamin C
Ladybug in the house
Photo projects
writer's block

1 comment:

  1. *Broken hearts for Jesus to heal* "The Lord is close to the broken hearted" -Pslams 34:18...luv

    Your daughter is putting away her own laundry that is great! I'm excited Noah is starting to dress himself lol



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