Sunday, June 12

Day to day

Cookies for someone feeling a little down

Green smoothies for dinner...MMM!

 Sipping away the goodness

Refusing to open eyes for the camera :)

Serious Pillow fights

Afternoons walks to the park 

Lots of hugs

Lots of sliding

A race or two

Struttin' our stuff

Bike rides

 Everyone doing their own thing

New races

Coming in to the finish

Disagreeing with the race results

 Playing a little hoops

Thanksgiving dinner just for kicks 

Chocolate pudding

Wait, it's gone already??!!

"MOH!!" (more)

Snacks for Scentsy party

A bowl of cherries, so sweet!

LOTS of scents!


  1. what fabulous pictures! These will be sooo fun to look back on in a few years! I love looking back at the simple and the ordinary days! That is the best! And its pretty true that readers don't fully appreciate it - but YOU will and that's all that matters!

  2. I want thanksgiving dinner just for kicks!!! yum!!!

  3. Is it weird that your dinner plate just made me starving at 7am? Lol looks amazing!

    I am putting in a request for a blog post of your smoothie recipes :)

    Super cute photos of the kiddos! We have pillow fights all too often at my house I try to stay out of them ha

  4. Your kids are so adorable, I just want to squeeze them up!! Green smoothie for dinner? You must tell the recipe!! We have almost nightly pillow fights. Arn't they the best with 3 screaming laughing kids running around?

    BTW this is Amy :)

  5. Cute pictures Debran.
    That looks like a pretty park.
    I can't get over how your kids are all little mini versions of you. So cute.
    I love green smoothies!
    Also love the scentsy stuff! My mother in law got me a plug in and I had never heard of it before. Itmakes our whole house smell good. :)



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