Thursday, August 18

12 Things...

...I'm looking forward to in Fall and Winter!

1. Keeping the blinds open all day, watching the rain fall down the window panes.

2. Deciding between hot chocolate and apple cider

3. Wandering through cornstalk mazes

4. The scent of cinnamon and cloves

5. Dressing up in costumes

6. Counting blessings and sharing meals with family

7. Reading stories of Jesus' birth

8. Cozy shoes and jackets

9. Cuddling under blankets

10. Twinkling lights and decorated trees

11. Pumpkin cream cheese delights

12. Chili and cornbread


  1. Fall still seems so far away to me! Maybe cause it's hot forever!! We run the AC at our thanksgiving dinner- haha!

    I Looove fall though. Sweaters and jeans!!



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